Tag Archive | Story

Post-Pond Depression

Clara Oswald

Clara Oswald

Clara watched in giddy amusement as the strange, angular man bounced about the many-sided console that dominated the room.  Levers flipped, lights blinked, beeps beeped as the Doctor manipulated the controls of his technological marvel with a dexterity that seemed simultaneously graceful and awkward.

Like a baby swan, she thought to herself, or a huge floppy puppy, only much more… chinny.

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The Cave

When one day a man finds himself in a strange misty place that seems oddly familiar and, yet, entirely mysterious, he discovers his feet taking him toward a certain cave.

– No age verification.  Minor name-calling.  Mild medical yuckies.  Somewhat sad and a bit wistful.

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A Chicago woman’s first ski trip to Japan doesn’t go precisely as expected.

– Slight swearing, a bit of tasteful naughties, a lot of geography and mild horror.  No age verification.

– Second significant edit.

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