Ink-Stained Worlds: the Facebook Page

Stone-HeadYes, folks, I went and did it.  I made a Facebook page.  You can find it here.

It’s only small at the moment, 25 or so followers, but we’ll see how that changes in the months to come.

Head on over and check it out when you get the chance; ‘Like’ it if you like it, don’t if you don’t.  I’m now posting notifications and updates to both Facebook and Tumblr (which you can find here if you’re not following it already).  People find different forms of social media easier than others to keep track on so spreading out some feelers can’t hurt.

In the future I’m planning to add in notifications via Twitter as well.  That’ll happen down the track, though, probably when I have ten or more pieces of content for people to look at.  If you want to follow the empty, dormant Ink-Stained Worlds Twitter account, though, feel free to do so here.  It’s @InkStainedWorld – I’d have put an ‘s’ at the end but apparently I ran out of characters.  Oh well, I’ll live.

If at any point Google add an API to Google+, which will allow the nice folks over on the Publicize team (the tool I use to automatically update Facebook and Tumblr when I post articles here) to add G+ to their list of connectible social media, I’ll probably start a page there as well.  Maybe.  We’ll see.


— Scott